About this Report:
In 2025, software threats are on the rise. Security debt grows, attack
surfaces are more complex, and AI in code generation is reshaping risks. This
report dives into key metrics for security maturity, why prioritizing high-
impact risks is crucial, and strategies to build a resilient, adaptive security
plan that focuses on what truly matters.
What you will learn:
The Extent of Security Debt:
Why organizations have more security debt, despite having more tools
Primary Drivers of Risk:
5 key metrics for measuring critical risks and where the most and least mature orgs stand
Strategies for Remediation:
A new way of thinking about prioritization and AI that could have a significant impact on your backlog
Here’s a Sneak Peek…
Download the report to gain full insight into these findings from industry experts.
- Since 2020, the average time to fix security flaws has increased by 47%. Teams can’t keep up with the scale of flaws being created.
- Half of organizations have critical security debt, meaning they have unresolved, high-exploitability vulnerabilities lingering for years and that they keep accumulating.
- 70% of this critical security debt stems from third-party code and the software supply chain. Even if your developers aren’t using AI to generate code, the libraries they use likely are.

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